Tuesday 5 March 2013

The greatest gift is a passion for reading - Elizabeth Hardwick

So the year marches on.  At a pace.  And I’m already late.  Allie over at A Literary Odyssey is hosting an event this month, and while having had every intention of supporting it since it was announced back in January, I haven’t yet started. So today is the day. Better late than never. 

A Modern March is encouraging us to read modern classics. Very late 19th century / mid-20th century writers. All month. So I’m combining my Classics Club challenge with this one.  The more the merrier.

I’m starting with Mrs Dalloway. Struggled with my last Virginia Woolf effort. But that was a while back.  And my last reading experience – Dickens – has me hoping for continued better times. 

If I do get through VW, I’m thinking of following up with Kafka’s The Trial.  And Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.  Although maybe I’m being a tad ambitious?  Calm down, calm down. 

So I’m off to get started.  Hate being late.  Oh dear! Oh dear!  I shall be too late…


  1. I wanted to read Joyce too started with The Dubliners because it is made up of short stories and a small novella. They were quick and enjoyable reads so it you want to add Joyce but are pressed for time, it is a good way to go ;)

    1. I did read The Dubliners a few years back. And more or less enjoyed it. I do love short stories. But this one will be a challenge. Which is never a bad thing. Once it's over...!

  2. I read The Trial a few years ago and quite enjoyed it although it has you screaming at how rediculous burocricy is but I think we knew that already.

    1. Oooh I'm sooo nervous anticipating reading such huge books. But it's a great feeling to get through them. To react. To be made to react. Isn't that why we read? Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Hope you are getting on well with Mrs. Dalloway! The Trial is fantastic, Kafka was a genius. Portrait of the Artist is also most excellent. After that you'll be able to leap into Ulysses :)

    1. Thanks, Stefanie. I have to admit that I'm struggling a tad with Mrs Dalloway. Am really looking forward to the others though...

  4. Hi! I’ve nominated you for Liebster Award. Click here for the details.
    I’m also a GFC follower. :)

    Julie ^_^
    Books and Insomnia

    1. How remiss of me not to get back to you! My apologies!! Thank you so very much for the nomination. I haven't replied to your nomination, because it takes so much time to do it well. It's on my to-do list. Just not getting through the list... My apologies once again!
