Sunday 27 January 2013

It's not that I don't like people. It's just that when I'm in the company of others - even my nearest and dearest - there always comes a moment when I'd rather be reading a book - Maureen Corrigan

This was a troubled morning.  Watching the Australian Open Men's Final.  Not the ending I’d have written.  But the fairest on the day, methinks.  Great tennis.  Immense stress.  And I was just sitting at home watching...

Still, at some point, hope goes and the inevitable is, well, inevitable.  Not a pleasant realisation.  I was gutted.  But there you go.  Andy Murray will win another day.  And we’ll enjoy that moment immensely.

My suffering was, however, compounded by the loss of my muffin recipes.  In moments of great stress, I tend to bake.  And as my baking capacities are limited, I stick to what I know.  Muffins.  Blueberry.  Raspberry.  Banana.  They are my joys.  Warm, light.  Comforting.

But today the recipes – noted down carefully on an old envelope – were no longer where I’d left them.  I seem to recall tidying.  I should never tidy…

So if anyone has good muffin recipes, I’d appreciate receiving them.   I anticipate many stressful times to come.  Not least in the tennis season.  I will not survive without my muffins. Gutted some more.
This afternoon, I thus sat down to read Virgil’s Doomed love.  Described by Penguin Books as love (that) can be hopeless.  It seemed appropriate.

And somehow it was. A bloody, gutsy battle. Emotional, heart-rending.  Exhausting.  Just the right tone to lift my mood.  
The love story was pitiful, though.  Two people launching forth full pelt into a love affair that was doomed to fail from the start.  All because of the bitter and twisted games of those in power.  The profound sorrow at being pulled apart. The pain, the agony indeed. The total incomprehension. 
The scene where Dido confronts Aeneas could have been describing a lovers' scene anywhere, at any time. He loves her. But he feels impelled to obey the gods. “So he would try to find the right approach and the least painful moment to speak, and discover a tactful way out of their predicament.” He fails in this bid.
Consequently, Dido is violently overcome in an emotional speech, begging him to reconsider.  But focussed on his mission from the gods, he “strained to master the agony within him.” An agony he never reveals to the woman who is the cause of such deep emotions.  Indeed, he “longed to allay her grief and dispel her sufferings with kind words. Yet he remained obedient to the divine command.” 
And so it is Dido who openly agonises in her great misery and plots her end.  Never knowing that Aeneas is “shaken to the depths by the strength of his love" for her.
Communication between the sexes as good as ever, huh.  Who needs chick lit when you have such passion and intrigue and tragedy?  Although maybe I need less tragedy in my life? Maybe that's where I'm going wrong...


  1. wow !!! That is the longest headline I have ever seen but I loved it very much !!! :) Doomed love sounds spicy !!! My kind of love story !!! will check it out whenever i get chance. I like your review style . Became fan of you :)


  2. Hey there, Shainee! Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think of Doomed love when you get to it. Bye for now!

  3. love, love, loved the quote in your headline. Perhaps it's because I can relate so well. I should like to try your book suggestion but I think I'll have to be in the right mood for a doomed love. Sorry the Australian Open didn't go your way. Djokovic is hard to beat.

    1. Hello! Thanks for your comment. And the compassion re the Australian Open. Djoko is hard to beat. But not impossible... This headline is great, isn't it. I'm totally with MC too. Apparently, there's a book. It's in my Amazon basket. May be a good choice till you're ready to read Virgil...

  4. I'm so sorry I don't have any good muffin recipes to share. I am an abysmal baker so I just buy them if I want some. I love the quote in the title :) Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

    1. How sweet of you to think of my muffin recipe. Can you believe that I found it on Friday? Just by chance. Tidied away in a box of papers through which I was rooting trying to find my passport. (So organised at work, so disorganised at home. What's that all about??). It's a great recipe and sooooo easy. I can share it if ever you felt the need to give it a go...
