Okay, so this is not one of my run-of-the-mill posts. Today, I'm blogging because two lovely people - Barbara Brown and Rivie Bleu - have nominated me for the Liebster Award. How sweet is that? Thanks so much, guys!
For those of you who don't know, and I didn't, the Liebster Award is given to new blogs, with fewer than 200 followers, just cos you like them! (See the rules below).
As part of the nomination, I have to give you info about myself. I'm answering both lots of questions. Please bear with me...
Questions from Barbara Brown:
1. What made you to start blogging?
It's something I'd wanted to do for a long while, but kept putting off. After an accident at the beginning of last year, I was house-bound for six months and very bored. It was the perfect moment to get on with it. Certainly as I couldn't do much else but read and type!
2. What's the *funniest* book you've *ever*
Adrian Mole's adventures always make me laugh out loud.
3. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?
4. What E-reader do you have if any?
My beloved Kindle :0)
5. Books that would be *good* to turn into
Alan Bennett's "The Uncommon Reader"
6. What Book are you reading now?
Penguin Great Loves: Magnetism, F. Scott Fitzgerald
7. If you could be a *Character* out of any book
who would choose and why?
Jane Austen's Emma. Self-assured, day-dreaming darling of a character with a perfect JA happy ending.
8. Who is your favorite Author?
Marilyn French. Oh and Edith Wharton. Ivan Turgenev. So so many...
9. Do books have to be long to be any
Absolutely not!
10. Are you a *writer*, if you answered yes please
tell us a lil about yourself?
Would love to be, but would never allow myself to say yes. Not just yet, anyway.
11. What do you own more of, Print copies or
E-Books copies?
Ooooh paper every time. Although my e-book collection is growing nicely...
1. Why did you start book blogging?
See above
2. What is your favorite book genre?
General/literary fiction, short stories, humour
3. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
Don't rightly know. I was on very strong drugs at the time (after the accident)...
4. Do you read ebooks? Why or why not?
Indeed, I do. Great for travelling (and only when travelling so far).
5. How many books (not ebooks) have you bought this year?
Oh my! Couldn't even begin to count. And wouldn't really want to. It would be very disturbing...
6. What was the first book you ever read? (Or the first one you remember)
I remember the Ladybird Peter & Jane books from Primary school, but not sure they were the first. Then there was Enid Blyton - Brer Rabbit, The Enchanted Wood...
7. Do you write books? If not, would you want to write one?
Non. Mais oui!
8. What is the book you've reread the most?
Not a fan of re-reading books. But it'd have to be Jane Austen, methinks.
9. Which author would you want to meet? (Dead or alive)
Marilyn French. Ivan Turgenev, Edith Wharton. JA. George Eliot. (can I give more than one??!)
10. How many books have you read so far this year?
Lots. But never enough.
11. Have you ever joined a book club? If so, did you like it?
11 random facts about me:
1. I'm learning Russian.
2. I love my electric blanket.
3. I play Phantom of the Opera loudly whilst doing housework. Every single time.
4. I have two cats.
5. I've always wanted a dog.
6. I'm a telly addict.
7. I'm a bag addict.
8. I love putting up Ikea furniture.
9. I've just starting knitting again. And love it.
10. I can't keep chocolate in the house. I have to eat it. All of it.
11. I'm suspicious of people who don't like books and cats.
My 11 nominees for the Liebster Award:
Know your books
Publishing...and other forms of insanity
the page-turner junkie
words with Leti Del Mar
Just as the cock crows
Bookworm Babblings
Falling through pages
Dear, restless reader
Murder Lab
Questions for my nominees:
1. What do you get from your blogging?
2. What makes good reading for you?
3. What makes you want to share good reading with others?
4. Which books do you think everyone should read, at least once in their lives?
5. Which author would you like to meet/would you like to have met, and why?
6. What's the most challenging book you've ever read, and why?
7. What's the funniest book you've ever read, and why?
8. What's the best book-to-film adaptation you've ever seen?
9. Has any book ever inspired you, and why?
10. Do you stop reading books you don't like? Or keep going regardless to the end?
11. Do you get rid of books you've read? Pass them on to others? Or fill up your home with them till there's no more room for you?
The rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger who presented this award to you.
2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen. (No tag backs)
4. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.
Thank you for nominating my blog!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI've answered your questions HERE.
DeleteHey there, Seirra! Thanks for the indepth answers. Good one re Homer's The Odyssey. It's been sitting on my shelf for an age, and I keep ignoring it. You're inspiring me to take up the challenge. Also The Princess Bride!!! Will have to get back to that sometime too. So little time, so little time...!
DeleteI like how you get to know the bloggers when you see their random facts, it's interesting what we choose to tell about ourselves ;)
ReplyDeleteRivie @ Bookshelf
Congrats on being a nominee! Loved the random facts. :)
ReplyDeleteDropped by via Book Blogs and following! Do check out my blog here: The Smell of Parchment.
Dear Madiha! Thank you for dropping by. Loving the title of your blog. It conjures up so, so much!! Come back and comment soon...
DeleteHi there!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nomination, the great questions and the follow. I have responded on Murder Lab. Please check it out at www.kristenelisephd.blogspot.com. I have also nominated some great new blogs, so please give those a peek as well. Cheers,